IMM Group Building – The start of the sustainable future
IMM Group Building – The start of the sustainable future
IMM Group Credentials
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A poor tofu boy gives advice for startups
"If you want to build a startup, with only passion, it will be stuck, going around and around. That passion is temporary: Today you go for one thing, tomorrow it would turn to another. Passion must go along with motivation to become strong. Pressure and challenges can mold that passion into success". This is the sincere philosophy of Mr. Tran Van Tinh, Founder and CEO of IMM Group. He wants to share this with young people who are passionate in building their very own startups. This is also his lesson learned from the path of building his career with all hardship, the path from a poor studious kid to the CEO of IMM Group who is managing numerous companies.
[Video] Emotional explosion at year end party - 2016
Emotional explosion at year end party - 2016
Emotional explosion at year end party - 2016
"I have a feeling, this is not a company trip but a family trip full of love. There is no gap between the boss and the employee, but instead there is the close friendship. We all laughed and talked a lot of things, did a lot of funny poses when taking selfie, travelled around Penang to explore the high mountains, beautiful blue sea, etc. Certainly, these beautiful memories will be recorded in the diary about IMM Group - my second family" (Ms. Jane _ Consultant Team).
IMM delivers love to half of the world
On the International Women's Day, the boys of IMM Group secretly gave the "sisters" a special gift. The special here is not in material but in organization and spiritual values.
Warm Christmas at IMM Group office
Contrary to the typical coldness of the last season of the year, Christmas atmosphere in IMM Group is the combination of happy, romantic, and warm concept.
The Cup of Friendship 2 - A dramatic league
The Cup of Friendship includes the participation of the football player from VTV, Notary Public's Office of District 10, Vietvalues, HDBank, VPBank, Canada International School, TPBank and IMM Group - the home team. After the first round is finished, four teams VPBank, HDBank, TPBank and Notary Public's Office of District 10 continued the competition at the semi-final round
[Video] Happy birthday to Tony
Happy birthday to Tony
Secret present from IMM Group family
After a week of being planned and silently carried out, the video of ‘Happy birthday’ performance from over 60 members of IMM Group has been on air. This is the wholehearted and secret present that IMM family gives to our brother, our leader, and our CEO – Mr. Trần Văn Tỉnh.